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Assistive Hammer Handle

If you have challenges with physical act of tapping, such as, frequent double hits or difficulty hitting the target, this add-on gandle may be of help.

The tap test hammer can present some biomechanical challenges due to the three main nerves controlling the hand, wrist and arm. From on a 2017 study on assistive devices by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), we learn that the ulnar nerve controls the grip, in both its strength and relaxation modes. The radial nerve stabilizes the hand and the median nerve enables fine precision. Emphasizing one nerve can be at the expense of the others. For example, the tight gripping of the handle of a heavy sledge hammer hard utilizes the ulnar nerve at the expense of accuracy from median nerve. Conversely, a very relaxed grip can also reduce accuracy because of the same nerve conflict.

Nerves engaged in tap testing

The act of tap-testing requires both a relaxed grip and precise targeting of the milling tool. For most this is not an issue, but it has been for some, so we have sought a solution. 

Hammer grips

We have tested a variety of grip configurations and materials. We tested bicycle and motorcycle grips, cane and crutch handles, assistive devices and barbell grips. The accepted version is a medium hardness high density foam handle that is split for easy installation and removal. The beveled bore reduces the handle contact area creating the right amount of damping and rebounding of the hammer blows. The large foam handle promotes a relaxed grip without over firing the ulnar nerve. Targeting is improved by engaging a larger surface area of your hand, assisting the radial and median nerves, providing greater control and stability. A proper balance of the three nerves is achieved.