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New Features - May 2021

If the accelerometer is mounted backwards, MillMax will detect it after the tap-test test and provide this warning.
If any required data field is missing, you will receive a warning before publishing a bad Dashboard:
You can now set the maximum recommended width of cut as a percentage:
The resulting Dashboard will turn yellow if the maximum recommended width of cut is exceeded:
You can also set the maximum recommended Surface Feet per Minute (SFM)
In the Dashboard the RPM will turn yellow when the maximum recommended SFM is exceeded without having to do the calculations or conversions.
If a Specialist or Customer suffers from colorblindness, we can change this setting:
It will produce a high contrast monochrome Dashboard that can be read by someone with any form of colorblindness:
If a Specialist clicks on New from within the program...
They will now get the sub menu to select the right tool type and get the correct settings:
If the Specialist changes any of the Current Conditions, a new file will be saved automatically:
We are including a copy of our new Dashboard Viewer. This can also be distributed to customers to organize and search for Dashboards.