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New Features - May 2022

We fixed a glitch where the condition indicated yellow at the highest RPM when the dial showed red.
We have added a TROCHOIDAL milling selection under SETUP. This is for high axial and low radial (10% or less) engagement applications. We have created a new algorithm for these types of tool paths.
The resulting Dashboard is limited to a 10% width of cut. Greater than 10%, use the conventional MILLING setting.
You can now, in DCC, adjust the Dashboard settings (speed, feed width and depth of cut), then press APPLY to change the settings in Current Conditions. Note that at this point the new parameters are not yet saved to a new file.
Click the Calculators tab and then Current Conditions Calculator. Note that This the data in the CURRENT CONDITIONS fields have been changed to the new Dashboard settings. Click OK and a new file with these settings will be saved. You can now click the Publish DCC button and generate a shareable Dashboard.
We have changed the image for indexable milling tools.
You can now lock the depth of cut or width of cut so you can easily adjust the opposite with the milling tool image gage.