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Artifact Measuring Tips

Here is the comprehensive training for the artifact:

You can use your current MillMax kit to take artifact measurements.

Our objective is to capture the data on each unique spindle, not necessarily every model of a builder's machining centers. For example, Haas uses the same spindle for their standard (8100 RPM) and SS (12,000 RPM) series models. They just set the maximum speeds. Since they are the same we only needed to tap-test the artifact in one of the spindles, not both and certainly not every model that uses them (VF1 through VF6). For the Accupro ST project we are focused on CAT40 spindles only, conventional and BIG Plus or dual contact. You can use the same artifact for either type of spindle connection.

Also, focus on their most popular model and spindle combinations, likely the ones in their showrooms. Ask them which are their best sellers and make sure you capture those. Get a copy of machine's brochure and we can capture all of the static data we need from it.

The next piece of data we need to have is the torque and power curve of the spindle. Usually this is published in the machine's brochure, but if not you will have to ask for it. It will look something like this:

Torque and Power Curve

The two other pieces of data we would like to get but are rarely published is the acceleration rate or ACC/DEC rate of the machine. This is expressed in G's or meters per second squared (m/secĀ² ) and the drawbar force in newton meters (N-m) or foot pounds (ft-lbs). Simply ask and see if they will give you those values.

It is in the builder or dealers best interest to share this information with us as the tool performance predictions on the Dashboards will be higher making their machines look better.