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Additional Training

10 articles

Boeing Milling Seminar

Boeing HSM seminar

Proper handling of the accelerometer

Positioning and Mounting of the Accelerometer

How to use the hammer

Anatomy of the Double Hit

Tapping Direction

Explaining Flexibility (FRF) Frequency Response Function

What is Coherence?

When someone is talking and you cannot understand them, you would describe their speech as “incoherent”. They are trying to say something, but you are not hearing or receiving it correctly. If you could understand 80% of the words they are saying you could probably make it out and they would then be...

Artifact Measuring Tips

Here is the comprehensive training for the artifact: can use your current MillMax kit to take artifact measurements.Our objective is to capture the data on each unique spindle, not necess...

Using MillMax Mini-Kit with a Fixture or Mag Base

Because of the small diameter of the endmills, it can be a challenge to position the mini-hammer on target every time. In this video we used a device called a "SmallRig Magic Arm" used in photography (available from Amazon). SmallRig Magic Arm with Mag BaseWe are using the flexible plastic handle (0...