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MillMax Script

When you are tap-testing you will likely encounter people looking over your shoulder and asking questions. You can proactively minimize the distraction if you learn a basic script that you can repeat while you are doing your work. It will become automatic.

As you are setting up the kit:

Show the customer the hammer and say: “This hammer has a sensor that records how hard we strike the tool”

Show them the plastic tip and say: “This is made of plastic and will not harm the tool edge”

Show them the accelerometer and say: “This has a sensor that records how much the tool deflects from the force of the hammer”

As you are applying the wax the wax say: “This is just petroleum wax to hold the accelerometer in place. Any residue will just burn off in the cut”

After the first tap:

Point at the top of the blue in the upper graph and say: “This is the force being applied by the hammer”
Point at the top of the red lower graph and say: “This is the tool deflecting from that force."
Point at the bottom of the red lower graph and say: "Here it is rebounding."
Point at the redline and say: "It continues to vibrate until it returns to rest. This is happening with every tooth impact.”

While you continue to tap say: "We take 5 taps in X-direction and five in the Y, then we average them."

If you get a a bad hit error use that opportunity to say: "It will tell me if I am hitting too hard, too soft or make a double hit."

After completing the tapping and after you click on the DCC button, say: "We are measuring the vibration of the entire system; the tool, the toolholder and the spindle." 

If you are tapping an existing tool that is running stable, be sure to enter the current parameters into MillMax before pressing DCC. You want to divert their attention away from waiting to see the Dashboard immediately. YOU WANT TO SEE THE DASHBOARD FIRST!

If the Dashboard opens and the current parameters show RED, immediately lower the depth of cut until it does. 

Double check your setup data that nothing is missing:

Then proceed to the Dashboard Calibration process described here: