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MillMax Tips

10 articles

Is there a difference between conventional and climb milling when it come to its dynamics?

Whether or not there's chatter depends on the changing chip thickness. We see that whether it's conventional milling or climb milling and the chatter is still there. There is some conventional wisdom that says that the climb milling pushes the workpiece into the fixture and so that can make it a lit...

Calculating Endmill Stickout without Measuring

If the toolholder selected has a gage length value in the database and you can get the the tool assembly's overall length offset from the operator, you can skip measuring the endmill stickout. In this example the toolholder had a 8" gage length and it shows in the Total Gage Length field. The tool l...

Do chipbreakers make a difference in tap-testing?

Chipbreakers, either as an add-on to standard endmill or a full knuckle profile on a rougher endmill, do primarily break up chips but they also reduce the contact area of the cutting edge and thereby reduce the cutting forces. The deflection of the endmill will be less.Here is a comparison of a 7 fl...

Material Properties in MillMax

In MillMax we use two material properties that you have never seen before. Cutting Stiffness and Process Damping Wavelength. Together we often refer them as the Force Model. Cutting Stiffness is the amount of force it takes for the cutter to cut through that particular material. It is measured in Po...

Milling Green Ceramic

Machining green ceramic has very light cutting forces so focus on getting the right speed. Diamond tools are typically used. When tap-testing select material group N5.Attached are machining recommendation from Decatur Diamond.

Kennametal Endmill Settings

KOR5 for Aluminum - Check the Rougher box in Tool Details. Go to Material Details and increase the Process Damping Wavelength from 0.0236 inches (0.600mm) to 0.0787 inches (2.000mm). Download from below and drag into Database folder in MillMax.HARVI I TE - Check the Variable Helix and Variable Pitch...

MillMax Script

When you are tap-testing you will likely encounter people looking over your shoulder and asking questions. You can proactively minimize the distraction if you learn a basic script that you can repeat while you are doing your work. It will become automatic.As you are setting up the kit:Show the custo...

Very light (<5%) radial engagement

The use of high speed or trochoidal tool paths, that is, high axial depths of cut combined with low radial widths of cut or stepovers, typically 10% or so. When users experience chatter they keep reducing the stepovers from 10% down until they do not hear chatter. We have a trochoidal milling set...

Apply and OK Buttons

What is the difference between the APPLY and OK buttons? The Apply button saves the change you have made but does not close the window you are in. Clicking OK saves the changes and closes the current window.

Maintaining Stickout on Endmills

When using shrinkfit, collet or milling chucks, maintaining toolstickout repeatability is difficult. The overall length of endmills is not a tightly controlled dimension so backup screws are not recommended. We suggest using drill stops or shaft collars like this: