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Do chipbreakers make a difference in tap-testing?

Chipbreakers, either as an add-on to standard endmill or a full knuckle profile on a rougher endmill, do primarily break up chips but they also reduce the contact area of the cutting edge and thereby reduce the cutting forces. The deflection of the endmill will be less.

Here is a comparison of a 7 flute endmill in blue and the same endmill with chipbreakers added in red. 

The Dashboard calculation will be different, but you must check the "rougher" box under "Tool Details". Here is how:

Open the existing file or create a new one. Click Setup.

If a new file, select the tool as you normally would, then click Tool Details.

Click the Show All Fields box.

Check the Rougher box, then click OK (if you want to save this change to your database, click then Add button, then OK).