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Sending a file to support

The most important thing to do if you are having an issue is to send the TXF (the file containing the tap-test that ends in .txf) to Support so they can see what is happening. Don't send the Dashboard file that has the same name, but ends with .htm. Support can generate a Dashboard from the TXF file. There is a function in MillMax that makes sending a file very easy.

Open MillMax.

Click the "Send to Support" button

The first time you do this you will be asked to enter your name and dongle number. This will create a personal folder for you on our server. You only have to do this once.

Click the "Send File to MLI" button.

Select the file you want to send. The last file measured should appear first.

Click "Open"

The file will start sending to Support.

To make sure the file was sent, you can click on the "Show Files at MLI" button to see what is in your folder on our server.

The file should appear. Click OK to close window. It's sent!

If this doesn't work, your internet provider or email may be blocking this service. In that case, attach the TXF file and email it to us. 

Also, snap a photo of the tool assembly, the finish of the part after milling and, if there is an issue with the Dashboard results, take a short (5-10 second) video of the current cut so we can analyze the audio. You can send that through your phone in a text message or email.

Here is a step-by-step narrated training lesson on sending files, CLICK HERE