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Testing Your Kit's Hardware/Cables

The most at risk part of the kit to fail is the accelerometer cable. This is from stepping or tripping of the cable or if it gets kinked when winding. The hammer cable is very robust and seldom fails. To test your cables (accelerometer and hammer), follow the procedure shown in this video. 

To test the hardware (hammer, accelerometer or DAQ Unit):

  1. Connect all cables, hammer and accelerometer.
  2. Open MillMax Software,
  3. Hold down CTRL button and press A. DO NOT tap as with the above cable test.
  4. Click on "Hardware Test". The test will start.

If all three tests are completed and both the red and blue lines are solid and flat, the hardware is functioning properly. 

If the red line shows noise, check the accelerometer cable and connections (specifically the threaded connection between the accelerometer and cable or the BNC connector and cable if not solid), then click on "Restart Testing" button. If its is the blue line that shows noise, check the hammer and cable, the retest. If the noise continues, the cable, hammer or accelerometer must be serviced.