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The graph on the MillMax home page is blank

If the Real Tool Direct - X Direction screen is blank it means that no tap-test measurement was recorded. It could be that you saved it as a new file. Go back and see if there is an older file with the same machine, holder and tool information, but a different random number at the end of the file name. Open that file and see if a graph is shown.

If you have a very generic graph like above, that may also be a indication of no measurement.
Click on Plot > Coherence/Flexibility > All

If the screen looks like this, there is no measurement.

If the graph line is very low this is an indication of a loose or bad cable. Check that all the cable connections for the accelerometer and hammer are tight and, in the case of the BNC connectors, fully seated. You will have to re-tap the tool.

Make sure the 3-56 thread connecting the accelerometer to its cable is tight.