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The first things to check for if you are having problems with Dashboards

Click on Setup and check the tool data.

1. Is there a diameter entered? Without a diameter the Dashboard cannot display a width of cut.

2. Is there the number of teeth correctly entered? This is critical, without the correct number of teeth or flutes the stability calculations will be off.

3. Is there a depth of cut or flute length entered? Without a value here, the cutter image Dashboard will show a straight line instead of the depth of cut and you will not be able to enter a value in the Dashboard Ap field. It will keep reverting back to zero.

Check the machine data.

1. Is there a maximum RPM entered? Without this value the dial on Dashboard cannot be set.

2. Is there a maximum horsepower entered? If no value is entered the power field will default to "Unlimited". The Dashboard will still calculate.

Check the material data.

1. Have you selected a material? If left blank and no material is selected the Dashboard cannot calculate stable speeds