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Tap Testing Live Tooling

There are two types of turret mounted live tooling on a CNC turning center. Axial and radial or 90 degree heads. 

First you need to find out the maximum RPM on the live tooling head. That should be etched on the head itself or by looking up the model number on the manufacturer's website. If it shows the torque or HP note that as well. You can use these calculators, if only one value is shown:

HP to Torque:

Torque to HP:

Go to the Machine Details in MillMax and edit the maximum RPM, torque and power of the machine. Click NO when asked if you want to permanently change the machine's database.

This chart shows the X, Y and Z axes on a turning center:

For the axial live tooling head you will tap test in the X-axis, rotate the tool 90 degrees and tap in the Y-axis.

For the radial or 90 degree live tooling head, you will tap in the Z direction for the X-axis (no need to edit the settings) and then rotate the tool 90 degrees and tap in the Y direction for the Y-Axis.



The application was a 4 Flute Carbide Endmill mounted in an ER32 CAT40 collet chuck. The assembly was running in a live tool attachment on the turret of a Mazak Multiplex 6300Y. The live tool had a 4000 max RPM with unknown horsepower or torque. Full width cut at 0.300” depth of cut. Feed rate was 0.002 IPT at 1019 RPM. The current tool was a Kennametal HARVI HPHV750S4150. 

We increased the speed to 1400 RPM and doubled the feed rate to 0.004 IPT. 

173.9% Productivity Improvement