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Will this work in 3D (or contour) Milling?

Yes. With 3D milling, the three axes can cut to different depths, and create different shapes typically in die and mold work. The axial and radial cutting depths are usually light, but the tools are also often longer and more flexible. They deflect, vibrate and are prone to chatter. Tap-testing and Dashboards will locate the best speeds for stable cutting, surface finish quality and accuracy, all vitally important to 3D and contour milling. 

The endmills used for 3D and contour milling are typically ball or bull nosed. While the graphic on the Dashboard is that of the a square endmill, the axial depth of cut and stepover (represented by the radial width of cut) are applicable. Because they vary during the part program, set the width and depth of cuts to worst possible condition. Axial chip thinning must be be applied to calculate feed rates and we provide calculators for both ball and bull nose tools. They also calculate cusp height and optimize the surface speed limits.