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Harmonizer Recommends a Very High Speed

For example:
The Material is 1018 steel and the maximum speed of the machine is 12,000 RPM. The current condition is 1990 RPM and in chatter. You record the chatter with Harmonizer and it returns a speed of 10,218 RPM or 1685 SFM (cutter is 0.630" diameter), far in excess of the manufacturer's recommended surface speed limit of 500 SFM. The solution is to go back to the original settings, convert the 500 SFM to RPM, in this case 3032 RPM.  

  1. Change the Maximum Spindle Speed to 3032 RPM and rerun the test.
  2. Harmonizer returns a stable speed of 2543 RPM.

TIP: In Harmonizer the Max Spindle Speed is not always the maximum speed of the spindle, but rather the maximum allowable speed for the tool and material you are testing.